Almost all posts at this blog site address the concept of organizational excellence - how to get there and how to stay there. Previous posts have approached the subject from different perspectives, from different parts of the room. This post summarizes the concept, presents the key elements and connects them, resulting in a harmonized integrated paradigm - one that is actionable.
Others have tried and are trying. The last 45 - 50 years have been grounded in the "profit, the more the better "paradigm and the World is the worse for it.
This new paradigm requires only courageous leaders and all people to have the hearts of servants to take it, own it and put it into action.
My bet is that there is at least one corporate leader out there, perhaps more, who will rise to the opportunity. We shall see. Even top academicians, when addressing this subject and knowing that the paradigm offered here is the way to move forward are still held hostage by the profit paradigm. It is almost a viral condition that in a nutshell rests on this old saying: "we have always done it this way," or this one, "changing cultures takes years, let's take baby steps first." Oh the tragedy, the local and global opportunity costs that are caused by this timidity.
This long post addresses the metaphysical and philosophical aspects of the concept as well as the practical and wrap-around existential aspects. We cover the waterfront.
So, please read, think and respond. You will be glad you did.
A Note: This
article presents a concept and approach to pursuit of long term value creation
and organizational excellence. The concept presented here is original; that is
the dots are all connected in this way for the first time here – as an
integrated paradigm. Some ideas and research results in the article are taken
from the work of others, though, as presented in books, articles and the like.
The sources are available upon request.
Why Is An Idea Like This Relevant?
1. Every person
and every organization should do their very best to provide maximum value to
others over their lifetime. Why? A. Because it is the right thing to do and B.
Because it is in their own self-interest.
2. How and why to
do it are ultimate questions. Answers over the centuries have been many. For
corporations, especially publicly held for profit corporations, the answers to
the “how” and “why” questions have been to earn a profit, the more the better,
with capitalism as the economic system of highest choice. That is, provide
value to others in order to make a profit for me.
3. This profit
answer has caused a falling short, a sub-optimization, a lower than A+ grade –
even an F grade in some cases – in local and global economies and the global
aggregate economy.
4. The idea
offered here provides the description of the paradigm that can bring each and
all to that A+ grade over the long term….and national sovereignties will be
helped not harmed under this 21st century (and beyond) new paradigm.
And, profit (value) will be maximized as an outcome, not as a purpose.This article uses the word “paradigm” so much that a
definition or description of what we mean by paradigm might be helpful:
Paradigm – A theory or
a group of ideas about how something should be done, made or thought about….a
model or pattern for something that may be copied….SYNONYMS – mold, standard,
ideal, paragon, touchstone.
The following idea about
capitalism qualifies as a new theory or an ideal that is revolutionary. Many
proposals have been offered, especially over the last 20+ years, about how to
improve capitalism. Bad leadership of
some companies that was on display in the 1990s and into the turn of the
century and the near meltdown of the U.S. and even global economies in 2007-'08
helped stimulate these new ideas about improving capitalism, but some were offered even earlier.
We suggest our idea as
another and even the best paradigm change for how to raise capitalism to its
highest level, how to employ capitalism as the best catalyst for both wealth
creation and total societal well-being over the long run. And, we believe capitalism
flourishes most when connected to a legitimate democratic political system
(more on that at another time).
We only summarize our idea here.
Making it work takes detailed knowledge of and enthusiastic behavior about acting
this description out. It will be easier done than said, though, which is the
elegant blessing – it fits the best of human nature.
First, The Existing Paradigm:
First, The Existing Paradigm:
can fairly be said that the existing dominant concept (paradigm) in capitalist
economies is that it is about profit, the more the better.
In this way, this argument
goes, corporations will make their best contribution to society. This concept
can be said to have been most forcefully and successfully articulated by
Professor Milton Friedman of the University of Chicago. It has been followed
for more than 40 years. Wall Street is enchanted with it.
The value created over these 40+ years and
even over the last two centuries has unfortunately masked the fact that
capitalist economies – even though they trump all other economic systems - have
been chronically underachieving compared to their highest potential.
Let’s be perfectly clear: The
U.S. economy and all economies for that matter are and have been underachievers
when compared to the potential this new paradigm unveils, no matter how good
they have done over the years. Sad but true, the following paradigm or mindfulness and
behavior guide should not be new – but it is.
Second, The Proposed New Paradigm – the essential mindset for capitalism going forward:
Second, The Proposed New Paradigm – the essential mindset for capitalism going forward:
Self-interest value maximization is a direct
function of optimization of the value provided by an organization (and a
person) to each of that organization's (and person’s) primary stakeholder
groups – each relative to the others.
Here is the same idea
expressed as a formula:
IVM= f (S1VO, S2VO,
That is, a business will
maximize its own long-term value when it devotes its time, talent and treasure
to optimizing the value it provides to each of its primary stakeholder groups.
What is meant by primary
stakeholder groups?
A primary stakeholder group is a person or
group affected by an organization or person. Taken to an irrational or
illogical extreme, every action of every organization or person affects every
other person and organization. This description always strikes me as one used
by those who might want to avoid the real meaning and implications of the
stakeholder concept.
I prefer thinking about primary stakeholder groups as those affected by a person or organization in a way that is significant, one that really matters. So, groups and persons are primary
stakeholders of any other group or person if they are significantly affected by
them over their lives.
Most companies (organizations) and persons
have a truly finite number of primary stakeholder groups -about six for almost
every organization and person:
1. The Primary
Stakeholder Groups of Any Organization (or Person) are:
a. Customers, b.
Employees, c. Investors, d. Suppliers, e. Communities in which it has a
presence and f. Society at large (the general public interest).
2. Each of
these groups has four or five things they value most, and the following listings are solidly representative, though improvable (have at it :-)):
a. Customers – 1. High quality, 2. Reasonable
prices, 3. Kindness, 4. Companies that treat their employees well and 5. Companies
that are good citizens.
Employees -1. Opportunity, 2. Fair compensation, 3. Security, 4. Challenge
to achieve as individuals and teams/groups and 5. Company conducts itself as a good
neighbor, a good citizen.
Investors 1. Best value creation from their funds over the long term, 2.
Positive company participation in communities, 3. Great company treatment of
employees, 4. Great company standing in society (loved), 5. Gold standard leadership
in the company and 6. Full participation in society.
d. Communities in which it has a
presence – 1. Good citizen in local communities, 2. Long term participative
partner in community well-being, 3. Great company treatment of its employees,
4. Full company involvement in environmental and societal stewardship for the
long term and 5. Openness.
e. Suppliers – 1. Fair dealing, 2. Long term partnership
opportunity mutually earned, 3. Great treatment of employees, 4. Positive citizenship
conduct of company and 5. Enjoyable to work with.
f. Society (The Public Interest) – 1. Great local and global
citizen, participative and engaged, 2. Great social and environmental steward,
long term, 3. Willing partner and participant with others (including
governments) in serving the public interest and 4. Excellent treatment of its
employees, suppliers and neighbors.
An outcome of this paradigm, in
fact a necessary outcome, will be the maximization of profit – value
creation over the long term - measured in appropriate financial terms as well
as the other value measures a company holds dear.This is truly the
breakthrough "big idea."
Is that all there is to it?
No. There are a few additional
things that are an essential part of this mindset. Here is the additional group
of ideas that are each part of this new mindset – this new paradigm. They are:
1. The
basic unalienable rights of people around the world are treasured: Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness and
Property (one’s own aptitudes about which one is proud and excellent at – loves
to act out),
2. Those virtues
that are shared as precious by all peoples around the world:
Wisdom and Knowledge –
Curiosity, Love of Learning, Judgment, Ingenuity, Social Intelligence and
(b).Courage – Valor, Perseverance and
(c).Humanity and Love – Kindness and
– Citizenship, Fairness and Leadership.
– Self-control, Prudence and Humility.
– Appreciation of Beauty, Gratitude, Hope, Spirituality, Forgiveness, Humor,
and Zest.
3. Gold standard leadership characteristics are
employed and lived:
(a). Establish Direction – Vision.
(b). Humility and Professional Will – Modest and
(c.). Inclusive, Enabling, Inspirational, a
(d). Stakeholder Focused – in a Maniacally Profound
(e). Heart of a Servant.
(d). Ethical, Courageous and Just, and
(f). Fun.
4. Gold standard
cultural characteristics are in place and second nature:
(a). Adaptive, with a Core Ideology (Purpose &
(b). Risk taking, trusting, proactive.
(c). One in which all are heard and the truth is
(d). Reflective, humble, anticipatory &
(e). Rational & respectful, a conscientious mindset.
(f). Quietly confident, unassuming while maniacally
pursuing the organization’s vision & mission with prudence, perseverance,
humor and zest.
(g). Disciplined People, Thoughts and Actions in a
Fun and Dynamic Environment.
(h). Open, Supportive and Enthusiastic.
(i). Happy, in a Stakeholder-Centered (H3) Way, and
(j). Fun.
The normal blocking and tackling of organizations will be robustly carried out
because all will be in their correct ‘seats on the bus’ - Effectiveness,
Efficiency, Productivity, Creativity and Innovation, AND
6. Ethical
behavior always.
Planning And Doing: The Main Action Vehicle For Our Paradigm.
plans are often spoken of in a negative way. The criticisms include being too
slow, irrelevant before the ink is dry on the document, esoteric and a waste of
time. They are characterized as being (and often are) placed on a shelf
collecting dust. It has also been said that “plans are worthless but planning
is essential.”
The truth is
quite the contrary. Plans and adaptive planning go hand in glove. In
fact, actionable multi-year adaptive, adaptable plans, or playbooks, are the
essential vehicle through which this new mindset-based paradigm happens. The
actionable plan is the dynamic
vehicle through which it all springs to life – and continues to be vibrant.
Again, let’s be clear: An adaptable,
adaptive plan is the very definition of planning, which in turn keeps us on the
maximum value creation trajectory over time, and it fulfills, it is fun.
A Final Thought.
All too often over the years, the easy way out is to do
pretty good - to beat the competition. Excellence is therefore too often not
pursued. Of course breakthrough innovations have been made and do happen, but
mostly they precede organizational behavior and flow from the passion of true
innovators before the fact. The
blissfully good news is that the full life well-lived – the happy life - and the
highest value creation for each and all organizations flows from, and only from,
adopting and acting out this paradigm, the 21st century essential dominant
mindset presented here. Innovation keeps happening because it is fulfilling, it
is fun and it is servant-based. And, this applies to life at work, at home and
at leisure – to all aspects of life.
Embracing and adopting this paradigm will take a little courage and a true long term picture of the possible for the future. Only a handful of companies appear to understand this concept now, as seen through their behavior.
Well intentioned and
respected academics and corporate leaders have come along with ideas that
purport to offer something like this new paradigm, but they all fall short. Most of them appear to be unable to let go of the profit-centered (and short term,
inward-focused and win-lose) old paradigm. Adam Smith would be absolutely
disgusted with this profit-centrism, this old mindset. Conversely, he would be
absolutely enthused with this new paradigm. The Dalai Lama would too.
Such labels as disruptive, transformational, seminal,
revolutionary and paradigm shift/change will be most completely satisfied when
our idea here becomes the organic and universal way of behaving by all
corporations – all organizations.
And, Adam Smith would rejoice.
And, the world will be a better place – for all.