Wednesday, July 10, 2019

The Donald Trump Presidency: One Citizen's Thoughts 2 1/2 Years In.

This post comes after an almost three year hiatus on posts at

The Donald Trump Presidency: Hoping For the Best.

Following his electoral college victory in November, 2016, we decided to give time to see how Donald Trump conducted himself as the newly elected president before talking more about getting capitalism right – and about him in the context of leadership with our capitalism done right model.
A Note: In brief, our model is outward-focused, long term and value optimizing for the six primary stakeholder groups of every organization -domestic and global. The dominant capitalism model for the last 50 years or so has been the Professor Milton Friedman model, which holds that the only purpose of a company is profit, to make money for the owners. It is inward-focused, dominantly short term and win-lose.

 Our capitalism-done-right thoughts apply to all organizations. Governments are, of course, very significant “organizations” themselves and the proposed paradigm applies to them as well, as we have said throughout our posts. In fact, our proposed paradigm of capitalism done right (really, think of it more broadly as organizations doing right) applies to companies, governments and all organizations around the world.

Because this conceptual and behavioral paradigm that gets capitalism right applies to all organizations – including governments – it seemed right and fair that we should take some time to see whether the new president and his administration could or would rise to the level we assert is necessary to create excellence.

Or whether, on the other hand, our prediction about then-candidate Trump in our October 23, 2016 post proved spot on correct. (our post is at

The Presidency of the United States of America should be among a handful of government executive branch servant-leadership models around the world worthy of emulation. The Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution provide a perfect guiding framework that fits our model for leadership that will produce long term excellence – domestically and globally - in all foreign and international relations. 

This specific president, Donald Trump, gave us an opportunity to check on whether his concept of leadership and organizational purpose – and conduct – fits our model.

It is now clear it does not. Indeed, his way is the antithesis of our way, our model.

Conclusion and Verdict.
Sadly but predictably, we were “spot on correct!”
President Trump, you must read that 10/23/2016 post. It will set your hair on fire!
It is a sad commentary on our democratic system here in the United States that the real needs and hopes of all Americans, and the more pressing hopes and needs of various sectors of our population (people in poverty, people harmed economically by job loss due to technological and related changes, people seeking a more forceful advocate for certain religious or rights-based issues, people concerned about the appropriate policies on immigration, etc.) could have their concerns be preyed upon and pandered to by such an inward-focused amoral, apolitical narcissist. We deserve so much better. The entire world deserves and needs so much better from our president. The world looks to us for wise servant leadership. 

But here we are, in the summer of 2019 and the Trump administration, led by this uniquely selfish person Donald Trump, has established itself as one-of-a-kind BAD. SO TRAGIC! 

 Therefore we must conclude that our post criticizing you as candidate Trump on October 23, 2016 at has been ratified and affirmed as spot on prophetic by your presidency, Donald Trump, day in and day out, from the moment of your inauguration. 

You have not let us down, President Trump. In fact, you have been more inept, disordered and unfit than we ever could have predicted.

So, thank you, President Trump. Using your own style of teasing and persuading (underlined),  you are even worse than we anticipated – that much we can tell you.  

Many people have been telling us you have it in you to be so much worse. We should hope not.

We will see.

You have already set our country back thousands of years, domestically and globally. You might not know it, but we have only been a nation for about 250 years. So, use your big brain and genius attributes, along with your fertile and delusional self-concept, to figure that one out.

By the way, your name is mentioned about 10 times in this post – High Fives!